B Arts & Growthpoint, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
March - April 2024
An artistic enquiry to explore how sonic arts and walking can be combined to support mental and physical wellbeing. With a focus on psychogeography, post-industrial heritage and regenerative placemaking.
I worked with the local community through an experimental process of sonic explorations - we recorded musical scores, poetry, oral histories and composed field recordings. Before mapping them onto a walking route that moved through interconnected public spaces, including; Hanley Park, The Cauldon Canal and the site of the former Spode factory.
Both the route of the walk and the content of the soundscape were determined by people who participated in the process, contributing to a thoughtful performance of multiple perspectives on contemporary city life.
Learning from this project will inform future arts interventions in the local area.

Doumentation photography by Natalie Willet.